What I Do
I now work for private clients on a project or contract basis, building, deploying and developing WordPress powered online stores, producing Edited Video and Creative Artwork for literature, brochures and branding.
Over 30% of the worlds websites are built using the WordPress Content Management System and although easy to maintain, the initial design, build and deployment is often best left to a professional. It’s surprisingly quick and inexpensive to have your first online store or corporate website up and generating both visitors and revenue.
These days, nearly everybody can be a video editor in their bedroom, but, I’ve been editing video for over 30 yrs and I continue to produce finished footage for a variety of corporate clients for on and offline use. Most literature is now in a digital format. The design process for which is often very different from printed material. I design for both and finished artwork can be used for print or online distribution in a digital format.
I would love to work with you on a project so please use the contact page to get in touch.
Over the years I’ve been fortunate enough to work for a good many clients on hundreds of projects. A few of them in particular have stood out in my mind for one reason or another and I have included some examples below: –
What I Did
Although traditionally a Video Editor and Creative artworker, I’ve previously held a senior role in Advertising Agencies as a Creative Services Director and Newspaper titles as a Production Manager. working in and managing large deadline dependent departments.
I’m a specialist in studio traffic management, delivering projects on brief, on time and on budget. I can honestly say I thrive on the atmosphere created when a team produces outstanding work. The practice of bringing a creative project down to a process compatible with good business requires a precise understanding of both, something that can only be developed over time and experience.
I have a broad skill base which has proved invaluable when assessing and meeting the needs of employers and clients. As my career history suggests, I’m not afraid of change, the speed at which technology has progressed in this industry has been outstanding and during my incredible journey my ability to accept, embrace and indeed introduce new ideas has been a valuable asset.